Freitag, 29. Juli 2011

What did you since 17th July`?

Some guys travel only by flying with their paraglider and by foot 864 km throu the Alps from Salzburg to Monaco Chrigel Maurer did this in 11 days, flying 1.321 km and walking 486 km (36 h flying, 82 h hiking). What did you since 17th July?

What did I?

  • 80 h working
  • 12 h biking (305 km)
  • 0,5 h jogging (5 km)
  • 0 h flying (because of the bad weather, but new speedbar mounted on my hangglider)
  • 11 h driving car (982km)
 overall 1.292 km - not so bad.



Mittwoch, 20. Juli 2011

Piedrahita - thoughts about the risks of our sport

The tragedy of Piedrahita makes us all think. The things we think are safe - are not, nor ever were. When I started flying, I was not thinking about the risk. There were no children and no wife. I was only responsible for myself. Even when I started my hangglider in dubious conditions. Everything went well - until I fell at one time under the ramp in the bushes. I was lucky, a few yards further and ... It could have been very bad. Thus, only the high-performance glider was damaged. A week later I was back with my beginner glider at the start and everything was ok.

When I founded my family, I have stopped flying. After my kids are a little bigger (the youngest now go to school), I have begun to fly again. The dream of flying was always present in my mind.