Dienstag, 5. April 2011

The season is opened

Yesterday on the Tegelberg. Ideal conditions, light breeze.

Yet I have found, I have to work on my physical condition after the winter-break. A video is coming soon.

2 Kommentare:

  1. Unbeliavable! It is all green there!
    Still snow in Moscow :)

  2. When you look at the video I posted today, you can still see snow in the montains. But in the valley and at launch site at the tegelberg the snow was gone and temperature was about 20°C (at landing point near 26 °C - wonderful - summer in the spring). It was a good xc-day.

    Жаль, что у вас погода в чемпионате мира в прошлом году такие плохие.(I hope the google translater did a good job. By reading your Blog I had often problems of understanding -
    потому что я не владеющих русским языком у меня нет выбора). Я надеюсь, что ваша спина лучше.
    Tomorow we will get again more then 20 °C.
